Waqf Culture in the Ottoman Empire and Reflections of the Activities of Cash Waqfs on Today
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Ottoman waqf culture
Cash waqfs
Islamic finance
Islamic banking

How to Cite

Waqf Culture in the Ottoman Empire and Reflections of the Activities of Cash Waqfs on Today. (2024). Information Technology in Economics and Business, 1(1), 17-19. https://doi.org/10.69882/adba.iteb.2024074


It is known that waqf culture was quite widespread in the Ottoman state. Certain needs in society were met through waqfs. Cash waqfs were also established for financial needs. In this study, in which the prevalence of waqf culture in the Ottoman Empire and its reflections on society were tried to be discussed, the reflections of some of the debates that came with the emergence of cash waqfs to the present day were mentioned. In addition, the study investigated the activities of cash waqfs, what kind of benefits they provide to society, and how their continuity is ensured over time. Comments are included about the reason why cash waqfs, which are seen to be more common in the geography of Rumelia, are relatively less in the southern and eastern provinces. The parts of the discussions on cash waqfs that are misunderstood today are emphasized. In the conclusion of the study, the similar and different aspects of today's Islamic financial institutions and cash waqfs are compared.

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