Environmental Sustainability through AI: A Case Study on CO2 Emission Prediction
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CO2 emissions
Biogeography- Based optimization (BBO)
Explainable AI

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Environmental Sustainability through AI: A Case Study on CO2 Emission Prediction. (2024). ADBA Computer Science, 1(1), 19-25. https://doi.org/10.69882/adba.cs.2024074


In this study, the Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) algorithm has been effectively utilized to predict carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. BBO is a nature-inspired optimization method used to analyze complex relationships and determine significant features in a dataset. The focus of the study is to accurately predict the "share_global_coal_co2" parameter, and for this purpose, the BBO algorithm has been used to identify the most effective 20 features. The analyses revealed that the Gradient Boosting algorithm provided the lowest Mean Squared Error (MSE) value (0.347408), indicating that the model could make predictions closer to the real data. Additionally, with the use of interpretable artificial intelligence models such as SHAP and LIME, it was determined that the model's predictions became more understandable, and the effects of specific features on the predictions were clarified. The obtained results provide important guidance for environmental policymakers and energy experts. The effectiveness of the BBO algorithm in predicting CO2 emissions can contribute to making more knowledge-based and data-driven decisions in environmental analysis and policymaking processes. This study highlights the importance of artificial intelligence and optimization techniques in achieving sustainability goals and helps in developing more effective strategies in environmental management.

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