IoT's Economic Impacts on Smart Cities
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Internet of things
Smart cities

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IoT’s Economic Impacts on Smart Cities. (2025). Information Technology in Economics and Business, 2(1), 18-23.


This article comprehensively examines the economic impacts of the Internet of Things (IoT) on smart cities. Smart cities aim to enhance sustainability, efficiency, and quality of life through the integration of IoT technologies. The economic benefits of IoT in various domains, such as infrastructure management, energy conservation, transportation optimization, and the improvement of public services, are elaborated. Furthermore, potential costs and challenges, including high initial investments, data security concerns, and workforce transformation, are discussed. Supported by a literature review and current case analyses, the article presents findings that highlight IoT's contributions to the economic structure of smart cities and the barriers encountered. In conclusion, it emphasizes that IoT technologies have the potential to stimulate economic growth in smart cities through proper strategic planning and policy support.

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