New Specializations in Accounting Profession
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Accounting profession
New specializations in accounting

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New Specializations in Accounting Profession. (2024). Information Technology in Economics and Business, 1(1), 20-26.


Humans have innumerable needs, and every economic unit that engages in activities to meet these needs is called a business. As a result of the activities of businesses, transactions must be documented and recorded. The concept of accounting has emerged for this purpose. Accordingly, the profession of accountancy has developed and people who do this job have been trained. Currently, professionals such as Certified Public Accountant and Sworn-in Certified Public Accountant have emerged. The field of accounting has been significantly impacted by the rapid advancement of information technologies and economies on a global scale, the phenomenon of globalization, and the intensifying competitive landscape. In response to the increasingly complex business activities, the content of transactions carried out by accountants has also become of paramount importance. Significant alterations have been observed in domains such as corporate governance, auditing, and financial reporting. In consequence of these developments, new areas of specialisation in accounting have emerged. This study begins with an examination of the concept of accounting and the evolution of the accounting profession. It also considers the emergence of new specializations within the accounting profession and selected topics within these specializations.

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